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wanchao 2024-04-30 10


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Shanghai is one of the most vibrant and modern cities in China, and it is often called the "Paris of the East". The city has a lot to offer to its visitors, especially when it comes to entertainment and amusement parks. Two of the most popular amusement parks in Shanghai are the Shanghai Happy Valley and Disney Resort Shanghai.

Overview of Shanghai Happy Valley

Shanghai Happy Valley is an ideal destination for thrill-seekers. It boasts over 40 rides, including extreme rides such as the "Diving Coaster" and the "Super Spin". The park is designed to appeal to adults and children alike, with a range of attractions that cater to all ages. The park also includes themed areas such as "Shangri-La" and "Happy Times", which offer cultural experiences and games. Many visitors love the park's vibrant and colorful atmosphere, making it an ideal place for family outings and group trips.

Overview of Disney Resort Shanghai

Disney Resort Shanghai is the first Disney park in Mainland China and is one of the top tourist destinations in Shanghai. It draws visitors from around the world who come to experience the magic of Disney. With new and exciting attractions such as "Tron Lightcycle Power Run" and "Pirates of the Caribbean: Battle for the 旅游银川 Sunken Treasure", the park provides a unique experience for visitors of all ages. Additionally, the park has many interactive experiences, shows, and parades that allow visitors to interact with their favorite Disney characters.

Comparison of the Two Parks

When comparing the two parks, there are some notable differences to keep in mind. Firstly, Disney Resort Shanghai is much larger than Shanghai Happy Valley. The former boasts a land area of about 390 acres while the latter only covers about 100 acres. Secondly, Shanghai Happy Valley is more focused on thrilling rides and roller coasters while Disney Resort Shanghai offers a wider range of attractions, including fun and interactive experiences.

Another difference is the atmosphere of the parks. Disney Resort Shanghai has a more magical and fantasy-like atmosphere, while Shanghai Happy Valley has a fun 周末旅游攻略 and vibrant atmosphere. The themes of the parks are also quite different, with Disney Resort Shanghai being focused on classic Disney themes, and Shanghai Happy Valley having more culture-focused themes.

Which Park Should You Choose?

Ultimately, the choice between Shanghai Happy Valley and Disney Resort Shanghai depends on your preferences. If you're a thrill-seeker and enjoy high-speed rides and roller coasters, Shanghai Happy Valley is the perfect choice. If you're more interested in immersive experiences, interacting with Disney characters, and seeing live performances, then Disney Resort Shanghai is the ideal option.

It is also important to consider your budget. The cost of tickets to Disney Resort Shanghai is generally higher than the tickets for Shanghai Happy Valley, so if you're on a tight budget, the latter might be a better option.



Both Shanghai Happy Valley and Disney Resort Shanghai are excellent amusement parks and offer a unique experience to visitors. They have their own strengths and weaknesses, and so the choice between them depends on your interests and preferences. Whether you choose to ride roller coasters at Shanghai Happy Valley or to immerse yourself in the magical world of Disney at Disney Resort Shanghai, you are sure to have a memorable experience in the city of Shanghai.
